
Race Quota blow up in South Africa

Should the tour of Bangladesh used to meet the transformation demands of seven players of color?

This question seems to have set off a virtual war between the coach and the selectors on one side and the CSA President on the other.

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The CSA President believes the tour of Bangladesh should be used to the transformation demands of seven players of colour. Obviously the coach and the selectors deem it other wise. They are keen to use it as a preparation for the Indian series.

Both the coach Arthur and the CSA President have been roundly condemned for squabbling and name calling in public. However, with Cricket South Africa (CSA), the national body, going so far to say that the matter would be handled "internally" hopes of truce or a compromise being worked out atleast to save face have surfaced.

Unfortunately, if reports are to be believed, Coach Arthur has been axed from the selection panel thus effectively taking him out of the equation and reiterating the stand taken by the CSA President.

Now the question is how long will Arthur stay on as a coach?

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