
Glitch on the radar, Hayden's Challenge, Adelaide Test and all that.

One report carries it as glitch on the radar and another says it is a glitch in the radar. All said and done it was Hayden's way of saying the defeat at Perth was just a blip on the Aussie radar. As we all know Hayden is tireless player and tireless he is for in the same breath he has challenged India to prove their superiority at Adelaide.


Readers may remember it was just yesterday another and certainly a more garrulous former opener; Sidhu had challenged an honourable Indian selector. Its Hayden's turn today – I mean to challenge.


Of the two Hayden's challenge is more invigorating. Just imagine a shoot out between Sehwag and Hayden on Day 1.Better still imagine a shoot out between Sidhu and Hayden.


Dare to guess which way the ball would swing?

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