This act is sure to draw not only new fans to cricket but will also f ire up many youngsters imagination.Surely, the impressionable ones who watched it would have gone to bed clutching their bats only to dream of pulling such heroics for their team.
Do you agree that even if the World Twenty20 degenerates from here on, his effort makes its conduct worthwhile.

In athletic ability it was great! But how was it not a six? Imagine if the team batting has to score a six of the last ball. As soon as the ball is bowled, send all fielders outside the boundary, and then if the ball is in the air, try to tap it back in play and save a couple of runs, win the watch.
I know that is not what Angelo did, but what does the rule book say?
You have a way of asking unanswerable questions.:)
Seriously, I believe the fielders have to be inside the boundary when the ball is being hit and I further assume they have touch the ball before it crosses the boundary.
(Will check with the rule books)
devious ideas...! someone has to think of them
Devious indeed. :)
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