
Do you think you can build the best team with 2 million dollars?

Then CricketFantasies.com is the place for you.

CricketFantasies.com has created a riveting online fantasy cricket game that has been grabbing attention at a brisk pace.

As you all know, Fantasy cricket is about creating a virtual team with your favorite cricket players and competing against other similar teams, created by your friends or other fans on the website. The teams (a.k.a fantasy teams) earn points based on the performance of their cricket players in actual cricket games. The objective is to make a team that earns most points, by the end of the IPL season. With exciting prizes like Nintendo Wii and X-box to be given away to the winners, the fans are competing with that extra bit of fervor.

CricketFantasies.com is the first fantasy gaming site that allows its users to buy cricket players in an auction. The users are given 2 million dollars upon joining using which they bid for cricket players and build their teams until the actual cricket tournament starts. Once that happens they play one-on-one fantasy cricket matches with each others‘teams. When actual cricket games are in progress, the users can even trade their cricket players with each other in a fantasy stock market. Both one-on-one fantasy matches and fantasy trading market is the first of its kind innovation from CricketFantasies.com.

So, what are you waiting for? Go register now at htttp://www.cricketfantasies.com   and start playing fantasy cricket !

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LVISS said...


Anonymous said...

CricketFantasies.com is the shit!!

Viswanathan said...


Do you mean it has become edgy?

Viswanathan said...


Any specific reason?