
Why would anyone watch the Stanford Twenty20 game?

From a cricket fan's point of you, why would you watch the match?

Will you watch it for the cricket on display or for the big money on offer?

Me? I will give it a miss. I have no desire to watch naked greed.

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Q said...

I'll watch it. U know me, any cricket - bring it on. But what i would really like to see is whether the million dollars will make some players play out of their skin or not. For example will those worried about their laundry bills start diving all over the field now?.. those who r not worried abt taking the fast singles, will they now sprint like hares?

This and a lot more..

How much can a million dollars make u do?

Viswanathan said...

" How much can a million dollars make u do?"

Quiet a lot. BTW, Your question reminds me of the movie 'Indecent Proposal'.

straight point said...

are they gonna pay me for watching crap?

the way they are $howing di$-re$pect to $tanford $eries...i doubt even $tandford gonna watch that...

Viswanathan said...


Hmm.. so you have decided it is crap. :)

straight point said...

infact i liked stanford's match with digicell more...there were lots of ups and downs...

Viswanathan said...


Good one.:)

Apurv's Blog Space said...

I dont think many people will watch Standford 20-20 to be honest. The English and the West Indians might but the word cricketing community might not be too interested. In fact people have already concluded that its only the money that matters here........ people rather watch India v Australia when there is more at stake.

Viswanathan said...


I think it to be a good study of human psychology. It could show how a group of men behave in their quest for millions.

Soulberry said...

When? where? what?

Trideep said...

Its like IPL to WI & England people...

Viswanathan said...


Good one.

Viswanathan said...


Watch out - Modi will cream you for comparing it with IPL. :)

Gaurav Sethi said...

Inebriated Indians will watch late at night. But will they regret the following morning?

Anonymous said...


Depends on what and how much they imbibe. :)

Anonymous said...

The golden question... first of all, is the series on?

Viswanathan said...

Yes scorpi it is slated on the 2 nd Nov.

LVISS said...

Stanford All Stars Team and England are to play the first match on Nov 1. Live telecast available in one of the sports channel.