
What in the world is V.Jayadevan (VJD) method?

‘THE HINDU’ reports that Hyderabad Heroes won its opening Indian Cricket League match against Lahore Badshahs by 18 runs after a power blackout forced use of the V. Jayadevan (VJD) method at the Lal Bahadur Stadium here on Friday.

However, what in the world is the VJD method?

It is easy to surmise from the events following the power blackout that VJD is suspiciously similar to the Duckworth and Lewis method. Then why is it unpopular?

A desultory research reveals that the method (VJD) failed to get traction as the ICC remained unconvinced of its superiority over the D/L method. There are those who blame the BCCI for not putting its weight behind this home-grown methodology.

Fortunately for V.Jayadevan, ICL, the rebels Twenty20 league; have adopted it as their own. This should provide V.Jayadevan an opportunity to generate enough true-life data for effective comparison with the D/L method.

One glaring omission that hinders the recognition of the VJD method is that it lacks its own website. One has to depend on websites like rediff.com to get updated data. In contrast, the D/L method has its own website, where even a nonprofessional can get an idea of how it works using their D/L calculator.

One recommends the civil engineer from Trichur to have his own website or ask those fat cat jewellers in Trichur to sponsor one.


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LVISS said...

If u go thro the various methods by which the d/l method is applied u will start tearing ur pant and shirt.

Anonymous said...


I believe the method was used in the triangular between India A, Oz A and NZ A.

Also, it has been in play since the last season in domestic cricket.


Viswanathan said...

"tearing ur pant and shirt" - isn't that called the 'M' method- mental method? :)

Viswanathan said...


I missed them. Thanks for the input.

Bhaskar Khaund said...

No kidding ? never heard of it before..interesting

Viswanathan said...


Firstly a warm welcome to this blog.

Around same time last year I used to read an Australian blog called Cricketblog (?).

Weren't you writing for them?

Anonymous said...

Am putting up my hand here... I announce that I will put his website for free if he wants to... there I have done my bit for cricket.

A great piece of post Otts... certainly learned something new.

Viswanathan said...

Are you serious Scorpi?

If you are we will try and get in touch with him.

Anonymous said...

Why not Otts... I have plenty of space to accommodate a site and can design/develop one. If we could get in touch, we bloggers can do our bit for Indian cricket.

Viswanathan said...

Let me try to get his contact number.

Anonymous said...

Is the ICL barred from using the D/L method?

Anonymous said...


No. It is more of ICLs desire to be unique and prove that they are here to develop cricket and its related activities in India. :)