
Tendulkar mocks ‘juniors’.

When asked what he meant by converting stones into milestones, Tendulkar replied, “I was thinking about all the senior cricketers present in the team. Honestly, I believe that the seniors deserve more respect”.

Tendulkar went on to clarify it by saying, “In fact, there were too much talk on the seniors prior to the series...I think they had achieved a certain level because of the sweat and tears they had put in.

They did not take anything for granted, so nobody should put them down. They had been committed to their jobs. I believe people should show more respect to them”.

I believe it is too simplistic to reduce the argument to respect and disrespect. Firstly, none of the arguments against the seniors has been about their achievements, it has been about current form and fitness.

Secondly, by saying it Tendulkar is disrespectful to players like Amol Mazumdar, Badrinath, Amit Mishra and other cricketers who toil in the domestic tournaments without hope of a reward. The same argument of not taking anything for granted, sweat and tears and commitment can be argued in favor of the supposedly ‘juniors’.

A man of Tendulkars achievements should desist disparaging his peers and should show more respect to the ‘juniors’ and their achievements.

Cricket News Online Live.com


Homer said...

All true Ott, except the potshots taken at the "seniors" was not by the "juniors" but by people on the outer - journos, bloggers, hysterical tv people et al.

And the arguments about the seniors were not necessarily about form and fitness - age was one of the biggest talking points in the debate!

So yeah, it is about respect.. but not between the seniors and the juniors!


Viswanathan said...


I attempted to highlight two issues.

1. The juniors are not journeymen. They too have put in the hard miles and they are deserving contenders.

2. As of date I have not heard one senior acknowledge that at least one among these contenders are worthy. Until now they are tilting the debate to a debate on their 'service to the nation', achievements and entitlement.

Therefore I find Tendulkar comment of sweat and tears demeaning the talent and the dedication of the aspirants.

Once again I would like to remind I am not talking about Yuvraj, Rohit etc.,

I am talking about those like Bangar who are still slogging it out traveling second class by Indian Railways and sleeping in rat infested dormitories.


Homer said...


But has the question been asked of the "seniors" about Bangar and co? Or of the other contenders?

Isnt it true that in the dressing room ( India and Mumbai) SRT and the others have been nurturing the younglings -taking them under their wing and helping them grow?

Everyone goes through the grind - that is what cricketers do. Yuvraj did it, Rohit did it, Kaif has been doing it, Mishra did it.

Thats part of the deal.. We may not like it, and may be we are repulsed by it, but that is the truth of Indian cricket.


Anonymous said...

A contagious issue Otts... by large most of the criticism has not come due to age alone... the results, fitness and form and it is the same yardstick for any player. Let me never forget that many series have been accommodated in spite of poor form just for their past achievements. Now they take that for granted.

My annoyance is that some of these players well deserve to stick on. But they cannot ever assume it is their birth right.

LVISS said...

Juniors okay ,but achievements?

Viswanathan said...


I agree with you everyone goes through the grind or as Tendulkar puts it sweat and tears.

The point I am trying to make in my own befuddled way is, it is not Tendulkar & Co alone who are sweating and tearful - everyone who aspires to play for India undergo the same emotions and labour.

So how is it that these privelaged seniors lay claim on it?


Viswanathan said...


Exactly. I am with you when you say some of these players should continue - but that is a privilege accorded to them and not an entitlement.

Viswanathan said...


Slightly confused. Could you elaborate?

straight point said...

respect is always mutual and always flows from top...

and when you are saying something in public being an iconic figure you think twice...

knowing fully well that he will have to sit out in next match...amit mishra has given interviews praising and only praising how seniors have helped him...

i am yet to hear a word or even a hint of disrespect from lesser mortals for seniors...

but not from seniors...

as if acknowledging their little deeds will strip them of place from team?

Viswanathan said...


My sentiments exactly.

Anonymous said...

I did read Kumble though heaping praise on Amit and declaring him the one as his replacement for the near future and he was also the first to call and congratulate him when he was selected in the team.

Cannot at all say the same among the other senior players whose intentions are pretty dodgy and well led by saurav ganguly.

Viswanathan said...


Remember he praised him only after Mohali. :)

LVISS said...

The man who started it all is keeping quiet. It was an unnecessary and divisive debate. Form and fitness were never the base of this debate---they were only interested in inducting fresh legs.
If only they had retired the seniors one by one this would not have come about.Now Tendulkar is begging for respect which in the first place should be earned ,not solicited.

Viswanathan said...


I completely agree.