My dear friend Scorpi has written a thought provoking post on Sreesanth and his girlfriend Lakshmi Rai. In the resulting discussions, he wondered whether she was Aishwarta Rai’s sister. Though I assured him she was not, I thought it better to prove it with proof.
So here goes:
Pictorial proof provided by boy kris
ha ha... now the first two pictures are really really scary... like a natural for a psycho role. BUT
Holy molly... that third pic.. woof woof awooooo... now I know why you came with your tail up at me.
But then again, It has made me more mad... Sreesanth... why Sreesanth... am gonna hate him for the rest of my life.
Otts... it is true... that girlfriend bit... look what google brought me
Dhoni has used his gloves too.
The wiki say she is 27. A bit old for me.:)
A bit old for you... ha ha... you are having me on aren't you :)
Seriously, I stop with 24.
Her age has been ranging from between 19 and 27 in the last six months! The age part is certainly going the Aishwarya Rai way. :)
Aishwariya - national monument.
Gloves? Batting or wicket keeping gloves or both.
Ravindran, the wicket keeping bucket. :)
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