
The Keys to winning Twenty20 World Cup

Scyld Berry, in the Sunday Telegraph lists the ingredients of success in 20-over international cricket.

He says that the one key to winning is, building a partnership. Of nine century stands before the semi-finals, eight went on to win the game.

The other key to winning is to hit sixes. Of the 23 games played before yesterday, with one game abandoned, the side hitting more sixes won 15 of them.

This was closely allied to allowing fewer 'dot-balls': 15 of the 23 matches were won by the side scoring off more balls than their opponents.


Amit Bajaj said...

Didn't Australia hit more sixes than India yesterday?

Anonymous said...

The statistics were culled from the matches before the semi-final.

Soulberry said...

That's quite true...partnerships first up are important at a decent rate, then followed by mad-max hitting.

Dot balls are gold...no platinum..heck! whichever is more valuable or sought after.

Soulberry said...

Congartulations! India won!